Sunday 25 July 2010

A Message of Greeting

Hello to anyone who may stop by :) this is the first blog here and i wanted to kind of introduce myself before the blog continues over time..
A lot of the information is on my main profile, so that can give a general idea.
I am 28, a freelance photographer for both nature imagery and erotic photo shoots, of a D/s nature a lot of the time. Other than that i am a mother to my wonderful 8 year old boy, happily married to my partner of 12 years..(i say happily, but every relationship has its problems of course and i will probably need to rant here at times in order to get the aggrivations out)! I am also an eternal student, always looking for knowledge and truths in this world of ours..which includes a lot of research and studying whenever i can.
I do not view our world and society in the same way that the majority do..i find it more than a little difficult to ignorantly assume that everything can be taken at face value, when in fact i dont think anything can be taken that way, especially in this time period. I am not generally a religious person, even though i love studying different religions, philosophies and mythologies of many cultures, i do not believe religion itself is anything other than a means for the leaders of the world to keep the masses controlled and in fear of some all knowing, all seeing entity no ones ever reallly met for a cup of coffee and a chat! However i do pay attention the Old Testament to an extent, but am still of the belief it was written by man. the new testament being a Roman invention to futher political agendas so i disregard it entirely. The ten commandments always puzzled me as a kid, they are simply common sense things that one should not do to their fellow humans..and saddens me now that so many have to be told of these 10 things not to do in life. All which should come just by being human, we shouldnt have to be told by anyone that killing, raping, cheating, lying and so on is wrong and 'evil' it should be an automatic understanding, yet it never seems to be in this world.
Very generally and basic really, i believe in Nature, Mother nature gives us all that we need to survive and sustain life on Earth, and if anything at all is positively REAL, it has got to be nature herself.
I do not believe in the governmental situations, the false war for oil and other reasons too much to go into really..the occupation of countries that should be left to their own..America being a main interference from the Western world to take and conquor territories out of greed and ignorance and simply not caring who they step on and kill in the process of it..more power, more money, more unneeded luxuries. Like the Rockerfellers with their underground vaults of more gold and riches than most could even be able to imagine, billions and billions of dollars worth..why in the hell, logically speaking, does anyone, ever, need that much money for?? you can only buy so much in this world.
I also happen to be one of those 'crazy people' who believes that 9/11 was in fact an inside job to kick start Daddy Bush's war..which it did perfectly..It not a conspiracy, and its not even debated these days that Hitler had the Reichstag building burnt down in order to blame the communists and get his dream war started. As the old saying goes- 'History repeats itself'.. so why exactly do people feel that the 9/11 theory is so far fetched and ridiculous? Anyone knowing anything at all of psychology and the human mind will know that after such a system shock from the WTC tragedy and the grief it caused so very many people who lost loved ones in the buildings, that makes for the public mind to be openly exposed to suggestion at that time. A very dangerous thing in any respect.
Over all though, i tend to live a quiet life, (well as quiet as possible with an 8 year old boy who is also an Aries lol)..i cook, bake and enjoy gardening, i love taking long walks without a destination in mind, road trips are excellent -providing the stereo works lol- and in many ways, though only 28, my partner 39, we live a fairly 'old fashioned' way of life in that he works, and i am to tend to the house and the child and whatever else domestically that needs doing.. and 9 years on that way does seem to be working out pretty well :)
Ok, enough of my rambling for the time being!

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